July 26, 2017by

Our Successful Foray into Information Technologies Project.

Building construction company, Kurinchi Home (Pvt) Ltd’ latest construction project was successfully completed recently. The super luxury service apartment is now available for renting purposes, and we have helped the company to establish a renting system with SMS notification for the service apartment complex.

In an age where one of the first inquiries that one makes about a new location is its Wi-Fi availability, Kurinchi Home has also taken steps to ensure that the new apartment complex is equipped with a Wi-Fi hotspot.

We have provided solutions to Kurinchi Home for their business like 3D images, corporate website, brochure, Hoarding, promo videos, corporate branding, rental system (Cloud base) and Promo SMS for over a year now, and we were also able to install the necessary equipment’s and systems in order to make the location a Wi-Fi hotspot.

In order to make this project a success, there were discussions with Kurinchi Homes as to their requirements, and the range of Wi-Fi signal they desired, as well as internal discussions with our IT team.

Having built a prototype plan after ensuring the number of Wi-Fi access points, and the procedures to build a centralized Wi-Fi management, we set out to demonstrate the model device to Kurinchi Home, and were able to offer an efficient price for the system. Of particular note is that we were able to offer a competitive price for high class equipment’s and the system in contrast with the other contender for the project, one of the leading telecommunications service providers in the country.

The Four major benefits of Wi-Fi hotspot are:

Global Accessibility: Wi-Fi allows users to stay connected in a multitude of different places including the office, home, or hotel on the other side of the country. Most of the electronic devices sold today are Wi-Fi capable, and the greatest part is that Wi-Fi technology has a global standard. Unlike cell phones, you can connect to a network anywhere in the world with a Wi-Fi enabled device, allowing for widespread coverage.

Efficient Guest Authentication: Centralized Wi-Fi Management system provides one convenient method of authentication for Wi-Fi guests. A Centralized Wi-Fi Management system requires users to perform certain actions before network access is allowed. The required action must be verified by an customized database by the administrator, which can be simply viewing and agreeing to an acceptable use policy, or code.

Ease of Communication: Not only is Wi-Fi convenient, but with the popularity of public wireless networks and handheld wireless devices that support roaming, Wi-Fi allows users to stay connected all of the time. Businesses are able to maintain a consistent flow of communication in the office with state-of-the-art Wi-Fi technology, allowing employees to stay connected on an almost constant basis. All of these Wi-Fi attributes promote productivity in the workplace, as well as enhance the ability of a company to perform at the highest possible level.

Cost Effective: The investment of wireless network hardware is reasonable, especially in comparison to wired cables that are difficult to install and manage. Wi-Fi allows businesses to quickly install the technology anywhere in their facility and build a secure network that can support all of their employees. Wi-Fi is easy to expand and can take on additional users with existing equipment, unlike wired cables which require additional wiring and installation.

Following our successful installation of the Wi-Fi hotspot at the service apartment of Kurinchi Home, we hope to provide the same service to hotels, hospitals, shopping malls, companies, educational institutes and coffee shops for a most efficient price.

We can provide this service island wide and can give a complete solution depending on the specific requirements of the customer. The devices and equipment’s are under warranty and are of the most reputed brands, and the work is carried out by experienced professionals.

Contact 077 005 24 25 or wifi@ranics.lk or visit www.ranics.lk/wifi should you wish to receive our assistance to connect our building with the rest of the world through Wi-Fi.